Category The Lacie Chronicles

Chapter 7: Postponed

There’s a story in Greek mythology about a man who rolls a stone up a hill. Every time he gets close to the top the stone rolls back down and he has to start over. It’s his eternal punishment. I…

Chapter 6: Ode to Nana

So, here’s the thing. Last week I decided it was time to increase my workouts. I wasn’t getting sore anymore and I’ve been feeling pretty good, so the timing seemed right. Oh, how wrong I was! Always do the Math!…

Chapter 5: Consistency is Key

As I sit here eating Starburst jellybeans, I can’t help but feel accomplished. No, that’s not sarcasm. This week I’ve completely dominated my workouts! Tuesday I felt so good during/after the workout I actually ended up doing more than I…

Chapter 4: Veggie Tales

I think it’s safe to say we all like instant gratification. I can’t imagine someone not liking their hard work immediately praised. It’s the reason I love mowing or cutting hay; immediate results! You know what doesn’t provide instant results?…

Chapter 3: Reality Bites!

I’ve made a terrible mistake. This was my first thought when I put on my new rucksack with 20lbs in it. It’s definitely not what I was expecting. After walking around for all of three minutes, I took it off…

Chapter 2: Slow Start

It’s been a week since my first post. I’ve been amazed by how many people have reached out, saying they feel the same way about exercising. I knew I wasn’t alone! I might start an anti-working out group, where we…

Chapter 1: I Hate Exercising

Hi, my name is Lacie and I hate working out. I absolutely LOATHE it. It’s tedious and boring. Oddly enough, I’ve spent the last 5 years of my life working in a physical therapy clinic, where we encourage people to…