Category Articles

Medicare Changes to Physical Therapy

Every year Medicare makes changes to their rules and fee schedules. This year there are several proposed changes that will affect physical therapy services. We ask that you take a few minutes to look over the proposed changes and consider…

Traditional Medicare vs Advantage Plans

During this time of year, patients are often deciding on their health insurance for the upcoming year. We get lots of questions about the difference between Traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage plans. Here are some of the differences between the…

Breast Cancer & Lymphedema

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! In honor of that, we wanted to put together some helpful information regarding lymphedema caused by breast cancer treatment. Lymphedema Lymphedema is a chronic condition that can occur as a result of breast cancer…

Signs of a Stroke

If you have any of the following symptoms call 911 immediately! Act F.A.S.T. It’s important to act fast if you think someone’s having a stroke! Recognize the symptoms by thinking F.A.S.T. F – Face: Ask them to smile. Does either…

Stop Icing

From a young age we’re taught that if something hurts you should put ice on it. If you sprain your ankle at practice, wrapping a bag of ice tightly around the injured area is the first step in treatment. We…

Sitting: Could it be the new smoking?

It may feel nice to sit & relax, but too much can hinder your health! Sitting for an extended period increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, anxiety, depression, diabetes, varicose veins, DVTs, and some cancers. Not only does it increase…

Tips To Keep You Young!

Aging is inevitable, but you can still be healthy, active, and preserve your quality of life! Staying Active It is so important to stay active as we age. Just 30 minutes of physical activity a day can help build muscle…

Exercising Post COVID-19

Getting back into shape after COVID-19 can be a struggle. How can you get back to having an active lifestyle and regain your quality of life? Following a few tips can make it an easier transition. First, you may consider…

Joint Pain — Common, But Not Normal

Did you know… There are 360 joints in the human body! If you are having joint pain, why? What can you do to relieve it? Joint pain can be caused by arthritis, bursitis, or inflammation. So, what caused the inflammation?…